When To Use LifeTime® Wood Treatment Non-Toxic Wood Stain
For a highly effective wood stain
LifeTime® Wood Treatment non-toxic wood stain is made up of naturally occurring plant and mineral substances, combined in a special, 60-year-old recipe handed down through three generations of a family of craftsmen. In 1990, a landscape architect tried the product on a fence in a major development. He was so impressed with the product that he convinced the family to make their remarkable recipe available to consumers.
To maintain and beautify wood
As the years pass, the finish gets better and better in spite of and because of the elements that normally cause the finish to deteriorate. LifeTime® Wood Treatment non-toxic wood stain gives wood an attractive silver patina with variations depending on the type of wood. Fir has a dark brown to olive brown hue and cedar a dark brown to reddish brown hue. Over time and with exposure to the elements, through the treatment process, the natural patina is enhanced with a silver quality. If a new piece of wood is treated and installed along side older treated wood (i.e. fence board/panel) the new wood will soon blend perfectly with the old. Cracking and checking is part of the weathering process. LifeTime® works with this process by migrating into cracks to cover the newly exposed wood as it occurs. Chemical sealers and stains cannot make this claim.
If you want a safe, chemical-free wood stain
LifeTime® contains absolutely no solvents. Wood stained with LifeTime® is completely harmless to all living things. The natural substances in LifeTime® Wood Treatment penetrate the wood fibres, permanently modifying the wood structure. Independent laboratory testing confirms that LifeTime® creates no harmful residue in soils and water. LifeTime® can be used for posts and retaining walls that come in contact with the ground. It is recommended that fence posts be soaked in LifeTime® for at least 2 days and standard construction methods be followed. (Posts set in concrete with the tops sloped to drain surface water).
To enjoy more leisure time
LifeTime® means one application and no maintenance. It cannot be worn off, will not peel or fade. Many exterior products that claim to be maintenance-free must be reapplied periodically. You conserve time, energy, and the environment with LifeTime®. Only standard cleaning to remove dirt or organic matter may be needed.
To save money
LifeTime® is priced below several nationally advertised wood stains. Its economy is greatly enhanced because it is applied only once. LifeTime® Wood Treatment is packaged as a powder concentrate further reducing the shipping and handling costs and providing a long shelf life. It can be stored indefinitely when kept in a dry location. Not only is LifeTime® the most effective wood treatment but it is also the least expensive. The suggested retail price for 4.5 litre/1 imp gallon package of concentrate is $18.95 CAD and $85.75 for 22 litre/5 imp gallon package.
Did You Know?
- LifeTime® is made up of naturally occurring plant and mineral substances. - LifeTime® is completely harmless to all living things. |
LifeTime® Wood Treatment
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